Cheap windows 7 compatible modem to replace Speedtouch 330?

17 Jan 2006
Basically the title says it all, can anyone recommend a cheap USB modem to replace an isp provided speedtouch 330 modem which does not want to play with windows 7?

Anything i should be looking out for?
true but they only have the one pc and nothing else to connect to it so figured it would be cheaper to get a replacement modem.

Ideally something I might be able to pick up in my highstreet...would be
These days you can usually pick up a router for the same price as an external modem. Plus routers offer the security benefits of NAT and basic firewall features. Which these days are a must have, software personal firewalls on their own really don't cut the mustard anymore.

I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't go for the router.
Fair enough, having had a look about I can't really find anything much ont he modem front anyway, so what cheap fairly reliable router/modem would you recommend?

This is for a BT phone line btw...not cable or anything.

Basically I just want something cheap and easy that I can buy tomorrow to get my girlfriends parents new pc online as swiftly/cheaply as I can.
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Phone BT and get them to send you a Homehub (wireless router). You would get one if you were a new customer, so don't see why they wouldn't give you one.

Something like that, or if you are willing to pay a little more for quality, Something closer to that.

Cheap one look perfect, wonder if I can find anything like that in my home town...where my only options are the purple people and the holiday camp people...;)

Phone BT and get them to send you a Homehub (wireless router). You would get one if you were a new customer, so don't see why they wouldn't give you one.

I did wonder about that but the internet account is with Orange who have proven to be completely useless when it comes to customer service!!!
Orange have been such a nightmare to deal with, when my girlfriend (whose name the account is in) moved out, it was virtually impossible to get them to change the name on the account and after loads of phone calls etc we gave up trying!
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