Cheap XBL 1 Year Sub + PES 5

30 Sep 2005
Tesco are doing the deal of the day for Pro Evolution Soccer 5 And Xbox Live Starter Pack so it works out as £20 for PES 5 very cheap and £20 for a years sub for XBL very very cheap.

a lot of people are being these starter kits and selling the game and head set and using the 1 year sub to save on the £39.99 xbl fee.

Pes 5 and XBL Kit £39.99

Also GAME are doing this deak for the same price.

PGR 2 + XBL Kit £29.99
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Not quite as good as the Halo 2 deal before. The PGR2 deal is also £10 more than what GAME were selling it for before christmas (bought myself one then @ £19.99).
Hi dudes, does this Live pack work with the 360? And also do you reckon Pro Evo 5 is better than Fifa for the 360, and is it backwards compatable?? Its just I really fancy a footie game, but Fifa has had rubbish reviews.


arent a certain online dvd seller doing PGR2 + 1yr of live for £24.99... But they are currently sold out...

but they do have a pack with Forza, FIFA2005 and 1yr of live for £39.99 ;)
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