Right, i've got a few old components and rather than upgrading them bit by bit i'm going to treat myself to a new setup.
I'd like it to last me as long as possible, but without costing the earth, hence me going for a 939 socket CPU and PCI Express graphics.
If possible, i'd like it in a Antec Aria case, or an SFF. If however it would work out a lot cheaper, a normal tower would be fine.
On board graphics would be fine, as long as i've got the option to install a PCI card in the future. I'm not an intense gamer, the machine would mainly be used for a bit of audio editing and web design.
I already have a monitor/keyboard/mouse and a HDD.
Cheers OCUK!
I'd like it to last me as long as possible, but without costing the earth, hence me going for a 939 socket CPU and PCI Express graphics.
If possible, i'd like it in a Antec Aria case, or an SFF. If however it would work out a lot cheaper, a normal tower would be fine.
On board graphics would be fine, as long as i've got the option to install a PCI card in the future. I'm not an intense gamer, the machine would mainly be used for a bit of audio editing and web design.
I already have a monitor/keyboard/mouse and a HDD.
Cheers OCUK!