cheapest board with these specs:

The next best overcloking boards to the DFI mobos are the EPOX motherboards.

Epox EP-9NPA+ SLi nForce4 SLi (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard (MB-046-EP) (£105.69 Including VAT at 17.5%)


Epox EP-9NPAJ SLi nForce4 SLi (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard (MB-050-EP) (£79.84 Including VAT at 17.5%)

These both have SLI and are pretty cheap considering the overclocking ability and the features that come with the mobo. Unfortunately they are out of stock at the moment here at OCUK. If these are still out of your price range the cheapest nforce 4 mobo in the epox range is:

Epox EP-9NPA+ nForce4 (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard (MB-030-EP)
(£70.44 Including VAT at 17.5%)
GAMEfreak said:
nah thats fine thanks. better bookmark his thread :). what sort of FSB speeds can these boards handle? woul i be able to get up to 3ghz using them if i was lucky enough to have a 144 oppy which could reach it?

Yes if your lucky enough to get a great clocking oppy 144 you will reach 3ghx with these boards, a lot of ppl on these forums with oppys and epox boards that have reached the 3ghz mark. But you should expect 2.6 max overclock at the worst depending on your CPU otherwise 2.7-2.8 with a good clocker. Your ram will also help with overclocking, take a look at the GSKILL memory.
Everyone forgets the DFI Infinity. :( Poor old thing is like the the sick relative that gets wheeled into the conservatory whenever guests appear.

It's a GOOD mobo! :D DFI overclocker for a good budget price. Check it out.
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