Cheapest HD595 from where?

1 Nov 2005
Essex, UK

So far the best price I've found for these online is £100 inc. vat and del.

Does anyone know of anywhere that sells them for less?

Today's my birthday and I want to spend my birthday money! :D
Ocuk sell other things that the seller of hd595's most likely sell such as pc speakers etc. Use your imagination, i just payed £90 inc delivery for a pair. I payed by paypal..
Sorry, but I still don't agree.

OCuk sell headphones that are predominately used for PC's or gaming. I want headphones that can be used for a high-end hi-fi (with some PC stuff thrown in) and thought I'd ask the decent folk here their advice. It won't stop buying PC components from OCuk, but this particular product isn't stocked by them. What am I supposed to do, buy a gaming headset???
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