I've transfered a few VHS tapes and also the very old V2000 [some 22 years old] to PC using a cheap TV card [£29.00) . I use Pinnacle 9 for capturing software .Dont even think about using the premiere software , way to complicated for the novice , I have 2 versions of Premiere and dont use them , over the top for a quick capture , edit and write to DVD. Use the Adobe stuff if your making something for the Cannes Film Festival !!. Pinnacle will capture , allow you to edit ,add transitions ,titles ,add background music and then write directly to DVD all from the one simple package without any fuss whatsoever. I've done a bit of editing for years and have lots of different software :Sony Vegas 4,5 & 6 , MoviePlus4 & 5 ,Premiere and lots more but still go back to Pinnacle for it's pure simplicity .