Cheapest way to convert VHS to PC/DVD

You could get a pvr 150 which should do a good job (hardware enconding), or get a DVD recorder, better still, one with an hard disk, then copy to DVD/HD and transfer to PC. <- Surely the easiest way.
I used an old VHS video player, plugged it in to my 7800gt and the sound in to my sound blaster then hit record in pinnacle studio. Did the job great!
Do a Google for a "Dazzle DVD Recorder " , they cost £34.99 on the high street. Just plug in the USB lead , connect to the VHS player then hit record.

Done quite a few of my tapes so far with out any problems :)
definitely DVD recorder

all the PC equipment is quite expensive.

DVD records with scart inputs can be had for about £50.

whats more they can be used as proper DVD records once you've finished too :)
I've transfered a few VHS tapes and also the very old V2000 [some 22 years old] to PC using a cheap TV card [£29.00) . I use Pinnacle 9 for capturing software .Dont even think about using the premiere software , way to complicated for the novice , I have 2 versions of Premiere and dont use them , over the top for a quick capture , edit and write to DVD. Use the Adobe stuff if your making something for the Cannes Film Festival !!. Pinnacle will capture , allow you to edit ,add transitions ,titles ,add background music and then write directly to DVD all from the one simple package without any fuss whatsoever. I've done a bit of editing for years and have lots of different software :Sony Vegas 4,5 & 6 , MoviePlus4 & 5 ,Premiere and lots more but still go back to Pinnacle for it's pure simplicity .
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