Cheapest wireless keyboard plus mouse

12 Feb 2006
i am making a linux ubuntu pc atm and would like the cheapest of all cheapest wireless keyboard and mouse to go with it. Anyone know of any i can get, hoping to spend at most £15 for both + delivery. I know a shop cant be posted but what about the actual keyboard and mouse to get. I dont know if this matters but would obviously need to be compatiable with ubuntu.


thanks chappys
Ive got one of these, very happy with it

Logitech Cordless Desktop EX-110 - Retail (KB-072-LG)
Have the clean, wire-free desk space you´ve dreamed about. The sleek Logitech® Cordless Desktop® EX 110 makes it incredibly easy and affordable to go cordless—in style. Quick and simple to set up, your keyboard and mouse will perform as fast and as reliably as any corded product.

- Fast, reliable 27 MHz wireless performance
- Media controls for music and video playback
- Advanced optical technology
- Programmable keys
- Adjust or mute music volume quickly
- Start your calculator onscreen with a single button

Full Specification

Price: £19.95 (£23.44 Including VAT at 17.5%)
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