Cheapskate clients!

18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Any one else have this problem?
One of our clients had there mailmarshal server die on them, no problem usually, except it was running on a Shuttle :rolleyes:
They have asked me to spec a replacement, except i know they will want to just buy another desktop to replace it with.

How do you tell them they NEEP to spend some money on server grade equipment?
There already moaning how downtime costs them £££
Yep, tried that approach to, :( it amazes me how some of these company's get so big when they leave critical items to chance :rolleyes:
For a small/medium business a desktop is more than suitable for MailMarshal from a processing power point of view.

I don't disagree in this particular case, unfortunately this is just one example of the unwillingness to shell out.
They blame us for there problems when we offer solutions they dont want to know, i think they just contract us for someone to shift the blame to.

I'm just having a rant, there emails were backup in less than an hour just without any spam filtering as they have no spare capacity. :eek:
Never ever underestimate how useful it is to have someone on the other end of a phone ready to immediately ship you parts at no cost to you or the client. Beats the hell out of scouring ebay for that failed module that you just cannot find or having invoicing issues or whatever down the line...

To be fair if a company is willing to buy off ebay then there's little point selling a new server to them. :)
However the current prices of DL360, 1850's etc means you could buy 2 and use one as a hot spare.

Ironically, the client will be buying a new server, its amazing what a few hundred spam emails can do for changing a CEO's mind! (Did any one say how poo IMF is?!)
Actually managed to get them to spend a bit more and use this as an opportunity to upgrade an old DL360 and re-purpose that as there mailmarshal - winners all round!
Sometimes you just need the right approach :)
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