Check out my Cg animated short film

3 May 2006
I know this is slightly borderline for inclusion on this forum but I spent months on this film & I'd like as many people to see it as possible.
It's a little over 1min long, a 19mb quicktime file with music & sound. It's a character animation short produced in Cinema 4D. It's an action film with perhaps a hint of 'indiana jones' 'aeon flux' & 'the cube'.
Download it here:
There are some images so you can see if it interests you before downloading. I'd appreciate your feedback - did it make sense ? did you like the animation ? did anything stand out as noticably good or bad ?
Thanks for your time.
Not my cup of tea graphic wise ( i'm more 3d )

But i can appreciate the time that would have taken.

An excellent piece of animation , you can be proud of it.

Wish you well for your future projects.

I had a look at your gallery and loved the Don Quixote character, don't know anything about the book but looking at him I kinda get the impression he acts tough but is really a big scardy cat , a little short with some villagers asking to help with a problem dragon and him saying yeah no probs but really he is bricking it would make a nice little short, think I must be drunk with all this rambling lol.
@ Chaos - You've kind of got Don Quixote's character backwards - You're right in sensing the patheticness & ego of his character but it's the other way round. He's really genuinally brave & honourable but where he lacks is abitlity. The book was written in 15 or 16 something in spain. The central plot is that by now gunpowder has arrived & real wars are fought with guns. The cavalry & heroic knights are over. But Don Quixote reads too many heroic fictions & attempts to live out these legends in a world where there is no place for them. It's a hilarious, cruel & very clever book - but the language is unbelievably flowery & it takes a bit of determination to appreciate the story. That's why (along with it's extremely episodic nature) that I think it would be so great as an animated series. But it's such a huge undertaking that it's something I reserve for my 'far distant future' daydreams for now.

@ mrdbristol - it is actually a 3d film. The models, perspective etc are fully 3d, it just has a toon style rendering technique. That said, I fully appreciate what you're saying. Style in animation is a very personal thing- there are certain styles & subject matters that do nothing for me. I fully expect it to be the same for everyone.
By the way, the artwork in your sig is pretty dope - is it your own work ? Definately a bit of graph style there, I'm into that kind of art myself.

Thanks for both of you for taking the time to download & telling me what you think.

Edit : BTW, there is a lttle animation for Don Quixote (in the showreel) plus some other bits & pieces on my Myspace :
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