Check these timings.. PLEASE

I swear Tras should be higher than that. Even though its BH5 chips it should be 5 or 6 (iirc)
Probably a miss-reading.

Either that or my knowlage of RAM is crap.....
You can get away with stupidly low tRAS with BH5/UCCC at high volts, I think you can even get 0 or 1 iirc, I'm not sure its truely set at this value, it doesn't make much difference anyway over 5.
My Mushkin BH5 (2x256Mb) could run at 2,2,2,5 with 2.7v.
I can't remember if I even tried booting with tRAS set less than 5. I think 5 was regarded as the best tRAS setting for that ram at the time.
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