Check your time machine backups

18 Oct 2002
Chose software here as people may not use time capsules.

I've just put new drives in my mac mini and went to use the recovery console to pull down the backup off time machine.

Unfortunately, it tells me that there are no Mac OS X system backups available for that machine, despite it having the sparsebundle still on the time capsule !

Needless to say, its a good job I do have a working drive still that I have taken out, so I'll try migration assistant from Lion first, and then if that doesn't work, try a USB caddy and image that way.

So, boys and girls, we should all do it anyway, but check those backups actually do work !

Simply booting into the console holding down the option key and browsing to the backups will show you if they actually look like they might work or not.
The plot thickens.

I managed to recover the build from a USB to SATA caddy, and using it now nicely.

Once in, I managed to link up to the old backup, and pull back a few test files. Bizarre.

So. thinking the backup was somehow corrupt, I deleted it and started a new one.

Fresh from the fear, I've just checked on our MBA to see if the image is there in migration assistant...and it isn't. The one for the MBA is there there clear as day, with as I see it, identical settings...

Anyone got the foggiest what is going on?
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