CheckPoint - R80.10 upgrade

25 Nov 2004
Anyone here a CheckPoint guru and has knowledge of R80.10 yet? I won't go into masses of detail but I am looking for help on the following scenario:

I had a 2 node ClusterXL R77.30. The secondary node died and I had to re-install it from scratch. I decided this was probably a good time to upgrade to R80.10.

Now I have 1 primary ClusterXL R77.30 node that is production and a R80.10 node that thinks it is the primary member of a ClusterXL and is running Security Management Server.

Sooooo, I need to know how to get the policy from the R77.30 to the R80.10 without needing downtime if at all possible. Also, I don't know how much config I need to do on the R80.10 before trying to import the policy. I have setup all interfaces and static routes and licensed the device.

Thanks to anyone who is able to help. I do have this logged with CheckPoint support but they can take a while to get back to you as it is a low priority.
Edit: didn't read it properly.

Its fortunate that you have the primary unit still alive, saves promoting the secondary. Rebuild the dead box as a primary on the new appliance for 88.10, migrate away and shift over to active, then re-install the new version on the current primary and re install to the cluster. It costs move but id recommend getting a dedicated SMS. You could just do an upgrade but its best practice to build fresh

Second edit: you'll possibly come across some encoding issue as i was labbing R77.20 to R80.10 the other day, check this out to save some time:

- GP
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Thanks for the help guys. Ended up reverting back to 77.30 as I'm on annual leave for 2 weeks and didn't want to leave the business at risk with a non working cluster while I'm away. So will pick this up again on my return :)
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