Cheers Telewest

28 Dec 2003
Just spoke at length with Telewest about the state of my bill, specifically with regard to broadband pricing with the current changes in the market such as Max and the TalkTalk offer and they've reduced the cost of my 10Mb connection from £35 to £28 per month for an entire year.

Not half bad I reckon. Could be worth others doing the same.
Sorry but no. Although the network may be rated at 10Mb, in reality you'll never see more than 6-7 out of it for various reasons. The Blueyonder and NTL 10Mb services, OTOH, will max out at around 9.5Mbs after the minimal overheads so the network becomes the limiting factor in this case.

You need a router with a 100Mb WAN port basically.
custard80 said:
challenge david

Were you already a customer or are you a new customer? You deal sounds great! I'm an exisitng customer and want tvdrive. Not using my 4mb internet that much anymore and 2mb would do fine if it's uncapped.

Please let me know how you went about it.
For my part, I spoke to the cancellations team as, even if you're not going to cancel, they're the ones with the power to offer you deals.

I just moaned a bit about the cost of my bill and how I'd had to wait so long for the speed upgrades and the guy was very sympathetic. One word of warning though, there have been plenty of reports of people using the TalkTalk "free" broadband offer to batter Telewest over the head and get discounts out of them but as soon as I mentioned this he reeled off a big spiel about Talktalk and the BT/Ofcom row, even referring me to specific articles on the Register about it, so it looks like they've wised up to this tactic a bit.

Still I persevered and mentioned that, even ignoring the TalkTalk offer, with the advent of ADSL Max, £35 was looking a bit steep for 10Mb and this seemed to do the trick. In reality I still think £35 is very reasonable for the service they're offering, i.e. a genuine 10Mb service rather than the "up to" 8Mb you'll get with Max, and genuinely no usage restrictions. Still who am I to refuse a £7 per month discount :D
600-700 kilobits/s or kilobytes/s?

If the former then there's something seriously wrong. If the latter then that sounds about right for a 10Mb router.
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