Cheese and Dreaming

5 Jul 2006
I hardly EVER dream at all when I go to sleep, but I seem to dream more often when I have had some cheese.

I've googled this and it seems to be quite common.

Anyone else notice this?
I regard it as and old wife's tale to be honest. I've never had any effects from cheese eating before bed - at least none that are any different from those you experience when eating too much before you sleep.
It makes me dream more definitely.

I always remember eating cheese and toast late at night and my dear beloved late grandad telling me that I would be "Walking the models".

I didn't know what he meant at the time, but he obviously meant it would make me dream and he was 100% spot on.
It makes me dream more definitely.

I always remember eating cheese and toast late at night and my dear beloved late grandad telling me that I would be "Walking the models".

I didn't know what he meant at the time, but he obviously meant it would make me dream and he was 100% spot on.

Or is it the fact you experience it will make you dream that makes you dream?
I suspect it depends on your life.

If you don't get new and thought provoking interactions and knowledge during your day there's nothing your brain is left shuffling through when you're semi-concious.

Cheese + unresolved memories = dreams

Cheese + dull day = good nights sleep

Imo ofc.
I'm sure I read a study recently that entirely debunked the theory. In fact it showed that eating a little before bed helped some people get a better night's sleep, regardless of whether it was cheese or not. Wish I could remember where I saw it.
I'm sure I read a study recently that entirely debunked the theory. In fact it showed that eating a little before bed helped some people get a better night's sleep, regardless of whether it was cheese or not. Wish I could remember where I saw it.

Debunked the nightmare part.

There is supporting evidence for increased dream memory and better sleep. Although I wouldn't call this proper research by any stretch of the imaginations.
One of the amino acids in cheese - tryptophan - has been shown to reduce stress and induce sleep."
I'll do my own experiment, I've got some Dolcelatte and cheddar in the fridge... I'll be sure to gorge myself shortly before hopping into bed tonight - will post results the following day! :D
Well I had a huge piece of Gorgonzola before I went to bed and zilch but I did wake up at six this morning. :D

It's known for nightmares, but I don't experience that. They often quite bizarre though.

Bearing in mind your username, are you sure it's due to the cheese? :D

Sorry, late joke, I know. In all seriousness, the lactobacilli in yoghurt have also been shown to have an effect on mood and brain function, so it's not impossible that cheese that also has live bacteria in it might give you more vivid dreams or whatever. I personally haven't experienced it though.
Last time I had cheese at night, I had a dream that Christine Hamilton was chasing me around my house. I've always had nightmares about the stuff.
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