ChefChoice Knives sharpener

I have a ChefChoice sharpener can't remember the code off top of my head. Might be the 120 as it has 3 sets of stones. But the middle one applies a very fine ripple to the edge for extra sharpey-ness but I never use it.

I find it to be excellent, I probably sharpen too often and hone not enough but it leaves a very sharp blade. The sharpening blade will over time take out any nicks in the bade, you know if your wife drops your knife kind of thing :rolleyes:

Quick and easy to use, repeatable results and if you store it somewhere accessible you'll actually use it enough to feel the difference. Big thumbs up from me.
Can you find out which version you have please? Getting a whetstones can be a good option as I know its the a good way to learn how to sharpen and also doing it right gives satisfaction
I put my order through TOG knives and ended getting the 'beginners set' of the whelstone.
I had a go yesterday on 2 of my mines, it was working as I tested it on cutting paper and it felt quite satisfying. I won't be cooking much tonight so there will be other opportunities how my knives feel

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