Chemists / Physicists opinion Sought

9 Sep 2009

Is this plausible ?
Water found in normal conditions is a mixture of two, naturally occurring, chemically identical, isomers. These are referred to as ‘Ortho’ and ‘Para’ water. Only main difference between the two is the energy stored in the molecule. ‘Flipping’ from one physical state to another absorbs or releases energy depending on the direction of the ‘flip’. This ‘latent’ energy is analogous to and greater than the considerable amount of heat required to be added or removed to morph between water and steam. Fortunately, the majority of water found in normal conditions is of the higher energy state so there is a lot of potential energy for us to unlock.

Our contention is that we are, through the light emitted during the bubble formation and collapse, creating the conditions by which we are able to ‘flip’ a considerable proportion of the water molecules to the lower energy state; thereby releasing the stored energy by which we get the impressive CoP.

These spin isomers have been known about since 1920’s. The two variants of water have been measured using MRI techniques. Also, it is known that if we put the water with a higher than normal proportion of the lower energy state water isomer back into the normal environment it receives packets of light energy back from the sun and the normal spin isomer balance, within a few hours, reverts to normal. In effect, therefore, we borrow energy from the water and the sun puts it back in. All of this needs more work; we aim to complete some studies with the help of our local Universities and then hopefully publish later this year."

The tests that were done – what were the results and how did they increase performance ?

"At first we consistently showed a CoP of 200% from wall mains socket to steam. For the Independent trial we stripped out all the insulation so that Professor Morgan could inspect all the sensors and wiring without any possibility of adulteration. Therefore, it was very pleasing to get a positive result . The Professor was very brave to report just what he had observed and calculated that we were producing an efficiency of 177%. No-one else has even reported a CoP of more than a miniscule amounts over 1 in process experiments with technologies such as cold fusion. And we all remember the fiasco of the certified claims of cold fusion in the 1990’s?

Since the trials we have improved performance from 200% to 350% and we will get this independently verified once we have the money. We have had to decommission the rig now as frankly the old system we had hads reached its limit – it was designed for a 2 hour test and we have run it as a trial rig for hundreds of hours. It deserves a decent funeral. We have already purchased the new electrical input system and a new cell. We are now changing the internal system to give better results and longer running time ."
The isomers exist, but the rest sounds dodgy to me. Maybe because it's so badly explained. But I'm inclined to think it's mainly about getting money for "funding development". They are seeking more funding. Maybe it's a Theranos type of situation. On the other hand, they're only asking for £5M. That's pocket change in research terms. Or, rather, they're only asking for £5M at the moment.

Or hey, maybe they can get massive amounts of free energy from tapwater with no pollution at all but for some reason nobody is interested. They're not claiming a theoretical and potentially practical system. They're claiming to already have a fully functional system that generates 3.5x the amount of energy it uses and produces no waste products at all, only clean water. That would be literally free energy, since you could just use part of the output as the input. It's also not on a tiny scale - they're claiming an energy output of 18KW on a small scale test system repeatedly running continuously for over an hour and potentially indefinitely (it was deliberately stopped each time as it was being used for experimental test runs). Reading further on, it gets even more suspiciously perfect. It's modular, small, very cheap and therefore extremely scalable. They're talking about multi-GW power stations. Just plumb in thousands of the units. Still smaller than a current power station for the same power output. But it gets better! Since the output from the unit is pressurised steam it can be retrofitted into existing electricity generating power stations. Just replace the nuclear reactor or fuel-burning section with this company's completely clean units that have only pure drinkable water as their "waste" output. And because it's so scalable, the same units can be used for all scales from domestic central heating and hot water boilers too. And again, it's a plug-in retrofit. Keep the existing radiators, pumps, etc. Any scale from a small flat to a multi-GW power station. Just plumb in the appropriate number of units!

I'd need a lot of convincing that it's legit.

This part in the FAQ makes my view a bit more positive:

"But the honest answer is we are not sure." Regarding how it works. The idea that they might have discovered a previously unknown process is a bit more plausible to me than vague "explanations" about isomers and energy states that explain nothing with a superficial veneer of scientific terms.

But I'd need a lot of convincing that it's legit.
Dodgy - as above - they would not need to raise money if their tech did what they claim it already does.
They tried to raise money via investment portal Seedrs - and were oversubscribed but this week Seedrs paid all investors back - some shenanagins with a competitor. But that may just be a smokescreen to distract from their tech.

I guess that some invest invested direct - not through Seedrs - so cant get their money back?
EnergyNetIQs page on Seedrs now has all the past Discussion and Updates deleted (visible to subscribers to Seedrs - free)

EnergyNetIQ themselves, say this:
---- ----

We have been formally notified by Seedrs that they will not complete the fundraising and will tomorrow return the monies held to private individuals.​

We have been formally notified by Seedrs that they will not complete the fundraising. We are very sorry that this step has been taken. We wished, prior to any notice going to you, to communicate so that you have the chance to understand the background. As you know we launched with Seedrs in November 2022 with a technology platform that included:-
A filed patent for an Energy cell Claims that we had achieved a performance level of 350% with a strong belief that 500% would be achieved once funding had been completed.

Background checks on the company and the Directors and management team.

A business and funding plan.

A pitch deck.

So why has the fundraising process not been completed?

We understand that Seedrs have been involved in discussions with a company called ENG8 Limited who have claimed that the EnergyNetiQ trade mark which was filed in 2020 belonged to their company and not EnergyNetiQ. The ownership of the Trade Mark is unclear, and we understand the confusion being created.
Our position is that a Trade Mark application was made for our name and paid for by EnergyNetiQ after the incorporation of EnergyNetiQ. The process was managed by Valeria Tyutina whilst she was a Director of EnergyNetiQ. She is now the sole Director of ENG8. For whatever reason she filed the trade mark in Cyprus in a trust company which she later assigned to ENG8. Ms Tyutina resigned as a Director of EnergyNetiQ on 19th March 2021 and left the country.
The matter is with our lawyers, as it is potential theft of IP. Both parties, ENG8 and EnergyNetiQ, have written legal letters/claims against each other.
As a Board we would state:-
ENG8 is a shell company founded in Gibraltar and owned by Haslen Matthew Back and Valeria Tyutina.
Mr Back has been disbarred from acting as a Director for 7 years but continues to lead ENG8 against the laws of both the UK and European law. On the ENG8 website he is now shown as Matt Back.
ENG8 continue to show our container, our Energycell and validation work done for us by Professor Morgan, as theirs. They have previously falsely represented Professor Atkins as their Technical Director.
This is at best severe misrepresentation aiming to convince potential Investors that our technology has been built by them. We are aware of far more damaging material against Mr Back but will leave that to the appropriate legal action from the UK authorities.
We will of course be taking appropriate action to defend our IP and TM. But as the name EnergyNetiQ is causing discord we have decided to rename the company and register new trade marks shortly. Having spent over 6 months on this process it is with great regret that we report the above situation.
Seedrs have been very supportive but as a retail crowdfunding organisation cannot proceed. We fully accept that as an Investor you may wish to also withdraw. However it is worth comparing the claims made with what has occurred since the launch.
Firstly we have achieved a performance level of >500%. This was witnessed by many independent witnesses at the end of January. We have not yet performed an independent scientific verification. This will be carried out next month.

Secondly notice was given in January of intention to grant our patent.

Significant work has been carried out on the utilisation engineering resulting in a theoretical work recovery system being designed at 70%.
We will be holding a webinar at 09.30 on Friday 24th February to go further into:-
The performance of the Cell.

Our certainty of our position.

What happens next ?
We will after this webinar allow Investors to approach us privately as many have already done and will honour the price per share. Please reply to this email if you wish to attend.
I would stress:-
This is an annoyance but nothing more.
Our opinion of the actions taken by ENG8 are that they are disruptive but have had no effect on our day to day performance other than time wasting.
We continue to make great strides with the technology and how to use it !!.
We have signed and lodged investment higher than our target fundraising and have in negotiation much larger Investors.
There is now interest from the UK Government.
Most pleasingly the results of our tests were at a level that leaves us in an unparalleled position to create a zero-carbon energy platform.
Onwards and Upwards !
Many Thanks Chris Key
On behalf of the Board.
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