Chicken question

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
Happy Xmas everyone.

I took a chicken leg and two drumsticks from the freezer on Wednesday night, was defrosted on Thursday evening, but I decided to eat something else, so the defrosted chicken remained in the fridge. The chicken has no odour at all today. I just removed all the skin as I usually do, coated it in my deluxe spicy chicken recipe and have roasted it for half an hour, also as I usually do. Will it be ok to eat cold on Sunday, in other words, 3 days on from being defrosted?
Excellent. Thanks chaps. :) One other thing. After cooking, I had to go straight out and didn't have time to let it cool down. I transferred the chicken into a pyrex bowl, covered it with cling film and put the bowl straight into the fridge while the chicken was hot. So it was a little steamy under the clingfilm. Is that still ok? I thought I'd read somewhere that food shouldn't go into a fridge while hot.
I threw it away. :( I was with family yesterday and there was a retired butcher there, the father of my nephew's girlfriend. He said to throw it as meat must never go into the fridge until it's completely cold, otherwise bacteria multiply faster. He said it would have been fine just leaving it out to cool on the worktop and covered with clingfilm.
I threw it away. :( I was with family yesterday and there was a retired butcher there, the father of my nephew's girlfriend. He said to throw it as meat must never go into the fridge until it's completely cold, otherwise bacteria multiply faster. He said it would have been fine just leaving it out to cool on the worktop and covered with clingfilm.

That's interesting to hear, I always, always let my meat cool down properly before fridging it because it tends to make the meat tougher if it goes in warm. With chicken this is particularly noticeable, and I find the chicken sticks to the bones a lot more if it hasn't been left to cool down properly. Interesting to hear that purely by my own chances I've been doing the right thing for once :eek:
Sorry, but I thought not putting arm meat in the fridge was basic food hygiene knowledge?

It’s the same with rice. Never put warm rice in the fridge, cool it first.
Sorry, but I thought not putting arm meat in the fridge was basic food hygiene knowledge?

It’s the same with rice. Never put warm rice in the fridge, cool it first.

Yep. Ah well, I'll know now for next time. I suppose cool enough to go into fridge would mean not above the room temperature?
Sorry, but I thought not putting arm meat in the fridge was basic food hygiene knowledge?

It’s the same with rice. Never put warm rice in the fridge, cool it first.
How come? I thought avoiding putting hot food in the fridge was more about not heating up your fridge and everything else in it. Surely the faster your meat goes from warm to cold, the better? (Ignoring the other food in your fridge that you might ruin!)
If you put warm food in a sealed container, you get condensation forming. With enough condensation, your food will be sitting in a pool of water.
why did it cross the road? that's the only question that matters surely.

probably on the same side as a KFC and wanted to get away from it?
Putting warm food in the fridge has nothing to do with it creating more bacteria. That makes no sense as the quicker it cools, the slower the bacteria reproduces once it's reached the reproduction temp I mean)

What it does do is raise the internal temp of the fridge however, I doubt it has any real effect on the food already in the fridge unless your fridge is not very efficient.
Putting warm food in the fridge has nothing to do with it creating more bacteria. That makes no sense as the quicker it cools, the slower the bacteria reproduces once it's reached the reproduction temp I mean)

What it does do is raise the internal temp of the fridge however, I doubt it has any real effect on the food already in the fridge unless your fridge is not very efficient.
it puts a lot of strain on your fridge though and can cause a failure.
If you did it consistently then yeah (unless your fridge is knackered already) but I posted mainly to argue against the food hygiene points being made incorrectly.
If you put warm food in a sealed container, you get condensation forming. With enough condensation, your food will be sitting in a pool of water.

what he said +
thought the condensation was a better medium for bacteria growth than the meat and it would then transfer
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