
3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
I dont like the thought of binning what could be perfectly good chicken, it was bought about 8 days ago and use by date elapsed yesterday,would it be safe to cook (fry)and make a curry out of it and then store in fridge and possibly freeze some?
If the use-by was yday and you've had it in the fridge then it will most likely be fine. They always cut a day or two off the date to cover themselves anyway. Like the other guys say, use your nose.
Use by dates are rubbish... The number of times I've bought chicken and went to use it before the use by date, only for it to stink is quite high. Probably didn't help that the fridge kept being turned down by housemates. :(

Moral of the story, always sniff and basically ignore the use by date!
Pretty sure it'll be just fine. I ate chicken 5 days past its use by date, didn't smell bad or anything, nothing bad happened.
The use by date is always going to be on the extreme safe side. No company wants to get sued now do they.
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