Chieftec 360W PSU

18 Sep 2003
Need an opinion if I should try this PSU in a new rig (AMD Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego, 7800GT) - I will be overclocking :)

Chieftec 360W
+5v 35A
+3.3v 28A
+12v 17A

It currently runs a [email protected] and a 9800pro with 2xHDDs and 2xDVD writers, rock solid.

Is the PSU on the margins and worth a go, or is it way under and asking for trouble?


The 12v line is a little bit lower than ideal, you really want 20a plus for A64s although you can get away with less. Chieftec PSUs are pretty good(rebadged Antecs as far as I am aware) but I think that getting another PSU would be the safest option :)
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