Child sex trafficking ring found guilty

As a bit of a side note, for those who are saying this isn't a race actually is. The scum in question specifically targetted white girls. They made it a race thing.


And notice how they are mostly Muslim and more often than not Pakistanis.

People can't bury their heads in the sand about this and press their little racism button.

Western people commit crimes YEAH DURRR but at the moment these child sex rings which are often widespread are mostly foreigners and not English people....

its not racism, IT'S FACT
Muslim belief is backward and belongs in the dark ages, (And that old Christianity crapp does too but Christianity is pretty tolerant these days)

there I said what everyone was thinking.
I'm in Sweden now and it makes the UK look like its over run by the bnp. This whole country is bent over 4x backwards to be shafted by immigrants. Its really challenging my opinion on the subject. I used to think I was quite liberal being a Londoner.

The media is so scared to even mention race its comical.

It's no secret to anybody wherever they move in large numbers the area goes to crapp...really no secret at all.

That's probably why their own countries are still backward and in the dark ages, they come here and do more of the same and all the liberals keep kissing ass afraid to "seem racist".

Perhaps time just more of the truth was told.
They don't want multi culturism and neither do we. They want their culture in our country and we want ours. Majority rules..does it not?

This about sums it up, and because this country is ENGLAND, people thus then conform to English culture and ways of life no matter where you are from be you black white purple or orange.

It's not about racism to me it's just common sense?
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