Children's party - CRB?

27 Dec 2011
I've recently been asked by a colleague, who has seen my interest in photography grow recently, if I would be at all interested in being the photographer at her sons 5th birthday party next month.

She's said this would really help her out as she's always busy trying to get photos in, and more importantly, she's never in the photos herself.

Me being completely naive at the time said of course, I would be more than happy to, as it's only a couple of hours out of my afternoon and it is a chance to improve on my photography skills.

However, we were discussing it today and someone at work made a jokey comment, saying "I hope you're CRB checked!". As an accountant, there's absolutely no reason I would be of course. It did get me thinking, though... Do I need to have some sort of permission from the parents? I don't know if my colleague has individually gained permission from each of the parents (I will ask tomorrow), but as there's about 30 children going, I can't imagine she's asked them all.

Even so, is there anything I can do to stop me landing in hot water? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill now, or would you consider a similar cautious route? I was thinking of just using my colleagues SD card and, as soon as the party was over, hand it back to her, so it's never in my possession sort of thing.


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