17 Dec 2009

Almost called 999, was playing with a someone tonight about 5 hours ago including chilli sauce play involving this apparently top 10 hottest sauce

now, luckily I was not on the receiving end tonight because I cannot begin to describe how painful it was just now, 5 hours later, after having washed my hands thoroughly about 10 times, just tried taking my contacts out, and suffice to say I am now typing with one eye closed. My dear god the pain!

I thought I would have done a good enough job to get it off my hands but it must be really resilient, the moment I felt it I went into a panic it was that bad, I stripped naked because my body instantly got a hot flush, jumped in the shower and having my eye blasted with warm water seemed to help, but the minute I stopped it came back!

After it began to fade after about 5 minutes I went on the internet and googled what to do and find out if I had blinded myself for life, and according to

its not a big deal, but still, heed my warning, be very careful with these silly hot sauces!
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"I thought I would *have* done a good enough job...."

The heat is in the oils, which aren't going to come off your hands with standard cleansers. A good scrubbing in dish soap would have been your best bet, along with a splash of petrol, bleach, and ammonia. :p

I used both house hold hand soap and washing up liquid to clean my hands before hand
Ouch :(

Probably a bit late, but you should have poured milk over your eye. The milk protein binds to the capsaicin and washes it out without damaging your eye.

I thouht of that but once in the shower with the water running on it the temp relief made menforget everything.
i would have thought not putting very hot chilli sauce in your eye was common sense and did not need a warning.

I completely agree, but I had washed my hands lots not realising that, as pointed out by more knowledgeable posters than I, simple water and soap doesn't get rid of it! That I do not think is common sense or knowledge, I considered that I was being extra careful!
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