Chilling pastry street defrosting

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
Sorry, my phone predictive text changed 'after' to 'street'.

Quick question guys. On Monday I defrosted some shortcrust pastry I'd made. Took it out the fridge on Tuesday, and when it was at room temperature I rolled it out and shaped it into my fluted tin. I was going to make the filling and bake it the same day but I didn't and put the tin in the fridge, wrapped with cling film. Will it still be ok to use after defrosting and chilling?
Thank you for your swift reply sir. I'll save you a piece of, er..whatever I decide to make. Another Bakewell probably. :)
No problem. There's a lot of exaggeration and drama with freezing and refreezing food.

All that happens with food when you chill or refreeze is that the quality goes down, but it doesn't become inedible. It's just the freezing and thawing process breaks down cell walls meaning things like meat can become mushy, but still safe to eat.
Well they say if you reheat rice you'll get ill but people have been doing that for years, myself included, and it's always been fine... So yeah I think there's a lot of exaggeration about reheating in general.
Well they say if you reheat rice you'll get ill but people have been doing that for years, myself included, and it's always been fine... So yeah I think there's a lot of exaggeration about reheating in general.
You can reheat rice fine. It's just the cooling process you have to be careful about.
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