China and war

22 Mar 2020
How long will it take for a war between China and the rest of the world.

personally I think the Cold War was never over. The east could not beat the west when it can to economics of war, My theory, Russia and China et al had an alternative agenda. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a gamble for the Russians to help influence the hidden war they were going to impose with the west.

Transfer of tech to the east to help advance their economies to build tech weapons financed like the west.

The west had fallen for this Trojan horse, and given the east the power, economic and tech to start to dominate the west.

I personally think the US have caught on but under Obama did not think it was true.
Trump has understood this and taken actions to stop or point out the dangers that the east have been keeping under wraps.
With all the goings on with China, the virus released , land grabbing and dictating to smaller country what they must do or feel the economic impact the Chinese would cause.

I do think the west should stop trading with China now before it becomes too late. China has 2 aircraft carriers and 3 more on its way, with in a few years they would match the US and possibly over taken them.

This is an all out war west v east and the west had been caught with their nickers down.
I can't see a hot war with China without something extraordinary happening - but I would be unsurprised to see things moving towards a cold war footing with some potential tensions/risk of escalation/isolated flashpoints.
War these days have different battlefields,
The most common one would be a the Cold War scenario.

China - pak relations are pretty strong maybe China would back Pakistan against India as a proxy war.

I personally think Trumps appointment cut short China’s global intention and have been forced to show their cards.
Problem is like a lot of commie dictatorships, China is very leader focused. Once Pooh retires it would all fall apart.

Maybe not, he will not retire, the pivot point for me was when No term limits were put in place. He now can be in for his entire life.

His farther was one of the founders of the economic idea which had allowed China to change direction to finance and saved its ideology, and this is were they are today.

The current leader family have a history of war be it using books or be it using weapons which is why he is very dangerous to the world.
But this is the thing. When you enter a war you don't enter to lose. If you have political problems back home that cause you to lose, thats still a loss.

It's like saying Manchester united lost because their keeper was injured and the replacement let in a Goal.

The US could have won any war, the problem is casualties. To keep civilian casual down you cant just carpet bomb.
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If, like me, you're against the Americans having ever been in Vietnam, then those "political problems" (that you insist on ignoring/belittling) were actually a victory for, well, sanity. I'd say defeat/victory was determined not by the military (as you seem to naively think) but rather the MIC vs the will of the public, and the latter eventually won thankfully.

Would you agree that the American war of independence was unwinnable for the British empire?

Like the Dresden carpet bombings?
British we’re fighting against France Spain and the Dutch in the Americas.
plus poor leadership lost them the USA. But it allowed the British to focus on the empire.
I agree that the public etc has to be taken into account on past conflicts but some are saying the military itself has and would struggle to win a conflict.
They defeated Saddam's army.
They almost won Vietnam if not for public support.
The Chinese would have been pushed back if not for ww2 fatigue back home.

So military wise they would win, hypothetically and without putting politics into it .
With politics ...I think it would be difficult,the Chinacom gov will happily lose millions, American support would go after a few large losses in my opinion and want to recall.
American support would be dependent if it was a threat to the US or another country.
If there was a direct threat to the US then the other country would have serious problem. I personally think the US would play by a different rules but only if there was a direct threat.
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China and India war before October 2020. I am 95% confidant this will happen with the additional pressure of Pakistan.

When this happens you'll see the US back India when war kicks off.
Dunno - India's government are a bit like the UK one - a lot of PR and popularity contest like politics, etc. and will likely run away from a fight - more like China will do a bit of like happened in Ukraine. There is a lot of potential for miscalculation however. I think in the longer run that region is going to edge closer and closer to a war no side can back away from and the backers of the different sides might be a bit surprising.
Russia will be stuck in the middle with those two. China's land grabbing and actions will land it in a war
If there's one thing the UK doesn't do, it's run from a fight. Every Democracy has to fight a constant popularity contest, that's not unique to India or the UK. Neither India or China want a war, so there will not be a war.
I think China wants a war to prove they are also a military global power.
Cute, China thinks it can play with the US.
Well the lines are becoming clear now, West thought they could change the east via economics. This is not happening at all.

As I said Russia has been sharing its tech with the axis of evil.
West has been terribly slow, however, I do think they are waking up now. investment in new weapons will continue to grow, “arms race 4.0”.

The next 7 years we are going to see some technological advancements in weapon’s that will spillover to the wests economy, bipolar lockdown in the horizon.
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here we go again
North Korea held mass rallies in Pyongyang where people shouted slogans vowing a "war of revenge" to destroy the United States, as it marked the 73rd anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, state media reported on Monday.
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