Choice Between 2 Bikes!

10 Feb 2012
North Ayrshire, Scotland
I am going to purchase my 1st road legal bike soon. I have a choice between these two at the moment:

Lifan Apollo 125cc

Lifan Edge 125cc

I have no idea what to choose. I prefer the Apollo, but I am so accustomed to off-road style bikes. Any ideas on what would be better?
I'll really have to wait and see until I buy it then. I had a Lifan 72cc Motocross bike that lasted for about 3-4 years. I'm hoping to only keep this for a year or 2
I like the style of the off-road bikes, but it just doesn't look right on the road and I want to get the experience of driving a (Well, almost) sports style bike.
If you are ok with never seeing any of that £1000 back after a year then go for it. It will be worth pretty much nothing after a year so don't expect to recoup your losses by selling it.

That's my only worry :( If I was to get a Yamaha YBR125, would it still be worth some money after a year? I've seen a few for £700 online
Yeah. I mean I'm pretty sure that Lifan is a reliable make, but I'm guessing since it's Chinese it's just not upto scratch with its Japanese competition. The prices of the Lifan were truly tempting though. It is surely better to be able to get the money back after the year (or two) even if I have to fork out a few hundred extra now :)
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