Choose me a Camera

18 Oct 2002
My last camera was a Canon A60, which i was pretty happy with, it took good quality images, but is now old and has started breaking down with lines across the screen which show up on the images.

Im going travelling to Australia/New Zealand and a few other places in september for around 3 months and so will need a new camera to capture it all, so im currently investigating.....

Im willing to pay up to around £300 or thereabouts and have been considering the Canon S3 IS and the S80 so far. I dont really know much about photography but like to think ive got a good eye for pictures and would like a camera that will help me get the best out of my snaps!

Ideally id also like a camera that shoots RAW and can do exposure bracketing so i can mess around with HDR shots, but not essential.

So, just looking for recommendations really, also i wondered if maybe im overbudgeting, or is it best to spend what i can afford within reason?

Thanks in advance
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Thanks for your thoughts.

I had considered the S70 but thought it was no longer for sale because of the release of the S80. Seems it can be had for about £200 though, which is good. Only thing that bothers me with the S70/80 is the fact they dont take AA batteries, so im not sure how much of a problem this might be.
I think im starting to struggle really, i dont like the Sonys because of their use of memory sticks, which are a pain and alos i dont think i want anything which uses proprietary batteries, ill be travelling so recharging may be difficult.

Although, not sure if im just swaying myself towards the S3 IS.
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