Choose my game!

24 Feb 2004
Can't stop myself any longer and gotta grab a new game or 3 for my xbox :)

RR6 & DOA4 are definates however I don't know what else to get :( Currently trying to decide between Kameo or American Wasteland.

Played the Kameo demo and whilst it seemed good enough I never really got the urge to replay it.

American Wasteland I have played some of on the original xbox - someone else copy however. Couple of q's about it for those who have it:

Is it running proper 720p and not just upscaled from the xbox 1 version?

Is there much to do once your done with the story mode? (Achievments etc?)

I shall leave my browser open at my chosen e-tailer and await some replies to this thread!

Thanks for your help :D
Kameo. I know you've tried the demo, but trust me (and a lot more), Kameo is well worth it. SO much to do, and whilst you will hear people say "only took me <10 hours to do", there's still a massive number of places to explore and there's the A-Rankings which trying to achieve those is also quite fun as you learn what each eye-crystal does with each elemental.

Just checked your sig and note you haven't played Condemned either, that too is an incredible game, one of the most underrated games of the launch titles IMO. Definately set to be a cult game and a million times better than F.E.A.R.
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