Choosing a bike for a restricted license?

4 May 2011
After much deliberation, I've decided to go the restricted route for my bike licence (Mostly for financial reasons)

Now, as my current financial situation is, shall we say, limited (getting married next year), I'm trying to look around and figure out how much I need to save. This is where I hit a bit of a snag - I can't figure out how to search for restricted license bikes.

At the moment, the only option I have found is to do an ebay search on all bikes, note the models and prices, and then do a google search on each bike to see if its legal, and if not, how difficult it is to restrict. Its damned time consuming, and the info on restricing seems to be a bit hit and miss at best.

Is there a better way? Is there a particular CC I should be searching for? All the forums I've seen just say "Get this or that bike", which is great, but kind of assumes that I like this or that bike. Really I want a method that will let me consider all bikes.
Thanks for the replys guys, especially scythe for typing it twice, sucks when that happens. The question of what kind of bike I want is a tricky one, as I've not had that much exposure to them. I always fancied the idea of a bike, but I only recently got one for financial reasons (Cheaper commute, and a green allowance scheme at work :)). Suprisingly I'm now in love with bikes, but because its a new found love and I don't have any real experience with bikes, I don't know what my ideal partner looks like, or how she handles.

I'm not going to lie, image matters to me in this, if I'm riding a bike, I want to feel like I look cool, and to my mind, the dayglo leathers on a asian superbike isn't a look I would feel "cool" in (Not to critise those who do, just saying its not me) But at the same time, I don't want to be sat back on a cruiser pottering along on top of a car engine on two wheels, blowing out windows when I rev it.

From the looking around I've done, I think that something in the "streetfighter" vein might be where I want to be.

Screw it, I'll decribe whats in my head. When I imagine a "cool" biker, its black leathers. They sit on a machine that looks like it was made by taking a sheet of bad attitude, hammering it round an engine and painting it black. That bike that makes you think of a dog, a sleek yet powerful dog, that could bite your head off in one, and the only reason it isn't is because it is just barley manageing to contain the pure rage it has that your daring to exist.

I don't know why, I'm honestly a quite nice guy. But for some reason, when it comes to a bike, I want a look that makes people wonder how long its been since I last killed. (Well maybe not quite, but you get what I mean)

Is that just me? I've always heard that most bikers are really nice people, so do all nice guys on bikes want to look like a badass? Am I just having my teenage motorbike phase in my late 20s? The advice is apprecaited guys
lol, I take your point scythe, but (and I realise I should have mentioned this) I already ride, did my CBT about 6 months ago and have been riding daily to work since. Its because of this I know I love riding, the wanting to look cool thing is secondary. If the law said all bikes have to be hot pink, I'd still ride one. But seeing as I have an option, thats where I am looking.

After looking around, the Hyosung GT250 looks right up my street - anyone have any experiences with them? Googleing it turns up a lot of forum posts, but they are all either completly positive or completley negative. Does this mean they are great unless they have a failure of some kind?
If I can do the full test for £200, then I probobly would, but how do I do it for that much? As far as I'm aware, bike schools will only let you take a test on one of thier machines if you take thier course, which runs to nearly £700 at my local school. Is there some kind of bike test rental scheme I'm not aware of or something?

As for paying to get a bike restricted, if I get a restricted license, I will look to buy a bike that is under the 33bhp limit from the start, and then move up to a bigger bike when the 2 years are up.
Thanks. Its more a case of trying to figure out what my budget needs to be so that I can save towards it. If the GT250 would do, then I would save towards that, if not, I'd save towards a ninja.
I was under the impression that the premiums were significantly higher on a restricted machine, because you pay the same as if it had full power?

Also, and I know I've already asked this once, someone mentioned on here about doing DAS for £200, but no ones said anything else since? I would love to do DAS and get straight onto a big bike, its just that I can't afford the 7-800 quid my local school charge for it. Is there a £200 option? What is it?
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