Choosing an agile sports tourer help

8 Jan 2005
Hi there, I used to have a Kawasaki ZX7R which I was knocked off in September 2010, badly broke my wrist in 3 places.

Fast forward two years I wanted another bike so bought myself a beautiful 2005 R6, absolutely lovely bike but sadly the riding position of it (leaning forwards onto your wrists) is really painful as it presses against the bone which is held together with a metal plate which makes it unbearable after about an hour on it.

I'm heading to Uni next year and a bike is the best option logistically as there are no places to park my car so Im looking for an agile fast sports tourer bike to use for gentle commuting and pleasure with a riding position that will be less hard on the wrists! wondering if any of you might help (preferably under £2.5k as it will be stored outside and dont want to risk an expensive bike getting damaged)

TL:DR looking for a quick agile sports tourer for under 2.5K

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