Churchill- Fully Comp? Driving other cars?

8 Nov 2006
Basically ive just taken out insurance with Churchill, Fully comp on my astra and im just wondering whats there policy on me driving other peoples car? Or my parents car more to the point :p

Anyone with Churchill or can just shine some light on it?

Cheers :)
If you can get hold of policy documents (donwload?) it will say somewhere, if not easiest way to know for sure is give them a ring in the morning. That way theres no umming and arring and you know for sure :)
You get DOC if you're over 25 with Churchill - but remember this is third party only cover.
You get DOC if you're over 25 with Churchill - but remember this is third party only cover.

Not to be funny but you shouldn't take this kind of advice from the internet as gospel.

You need to check YOUR policy. If you still aren't sure phone them and double check.

If you get pulled and can't produce a document to show you were covered within 7 days you're in court.
The above post is correct, but with Churchill the policy T&Cs are all on their site anyway.

Used to be over 25 got drive other cars but I haven't used them since 2004 and will not use them again since getting royally screwed over by them, causing me to lose a few grand of cash (their fault) and never getting any of it back.
You need to specify with Churchill you want it but I was unable to get it as I was under 25. (been with Churchill a while now).
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