Cillit Bang .... Nerdy Gang !

Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
I have not long come in from my mams. I popped in for a cup of tea and when the adverts came on, an advert from Cillit Bang came on. I just thought it was a daft made up thing so imagine my surprise when it came on the TV.

Anyway, my mam doubted it's cleaning ability and said through years of experience as a domestic engineer, ' What a load of ****. '

I started to laugh and couldn't stop and she was asking why. I couldn't answer for laughing and she also doesn't know my alter ego, so wouldn't get it anyway. It was a while before I stopped laughing.

So, my mam thinks I am a shilling short and it's all thanks to the nerds I kick around with. :D

Thanks guys.

* group hug *
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