Cineworld cancels The Lady of Heaven film screenings after protests

18 Feb 2003

A spokesperson for Cineworld said: "Due to recent incidents related to screenings of The Lady of Heaven, we have made the decision to cancel upcoming screenings of the film nationwide to ensure the safety of our staff and customers."

Are Cineworld saying that Muslims would be violent towards their staff and customers if they showed a film that they didn't like?

Sounds a bit racist to me.
I don't really like this form of censorship. But I understand cineworlds approach.

Personally I think religion should be fair game. And no religion should get special treatment.

And when the religion gets special treatment due to basically threats its a bad precedent.

I do now want to see the film.
I would understand if they did it because of not wanting to offend, that's par for the course these days.

I'm trying to point out that they're basically saying Muslims will get violent if they don't pander to them.
No it is not racist.
And no Cineworld are not insinuating anything.
If their staff and customers had already received threats of violence then yeah, they're not insinuating anything.

I was under the impression that they were just holding a silent protest. It doesn't seem they were.
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