

18 Oct 2002
Anyone here done the CISSP exam?

How'd you find it, any particular areas that seemed ok in the book but in the exam were a million* times harder?

* slight exaggeration
A good friend and ex colleague is already certified and I'm on a course currently, was just seeing if anyone else here had done it and could offer up any info on their experience.

I'm finding quite a lot of the content I've either had experience with or know a bit about anyway which is helping.

Ended up doing Sec+ last year (long story short company had some training credits that needed using up) and was a laugh, instructor was great.

This is now 6 hours and 250 questions, joy.
I've been hitting cccure each night as there are only a few questions at the end of each cbk in the book (we're using the isc2 review book).

Just thought I'd ask to see if things like those types of questins are indicitive of the style/difficulty on the actual exam.

Interesting you've done the CISA, I'm very tempted to get into audit as I seem to do a lot of it at the mo and thinking it'd be better being on the other side :p
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Well just got to wait for the results now :/

Exam itself wasn't as bad as everyone made out on the course, the fact it was a bit long etc didn't make much difference.

Couldn't say which way it went on the day so will wait and see.

As for being relevant, it's not a technical exam it's a management exam really and the techy stuff it did have was really just the fundementals.

I really enjoyed the course though, but not enough I want to have to go do it again :p
heh yup, just sorting out my cv to send off to the chap who is endorsing me, even though he knows it all already lol.
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