Citrix Issue

19 Oct 2005

We are using the Citrix web menu with Citrix 4.0. We have a problem when someone launches a app in Citrix they are unable to open 'my documents' untill they close the application they have opened. My documents just egg timers untill the citrix app is closed then 'my documents' automatically opens.

We are using the Citrix web menu with Citrix 4.0. We have a problem when someone launches a app in Citrix they are unable to open 'my documents' untill they close the application they have opened. My documents just egg timers untill the citrix app is closed then 'my documents' automatically opens.

Hi Mate,

Is this the Web Interface you are using? Also is the My Documents within the Citrix Session or the one local to the machine? What client are you using, web, PNA or Program Neighbourhood?
I think you need to be a bit more clear about the problem and the configuration - are you trying to open the my documents folder within the session or on the client? Is the folder redirected to a server or elsewhere?

Or are you trying to open the my documents folder through client drive redirection?

Is this going through a CSG? If not, what firewalls are in the way?
I think you need to be a bit more clear about the problem and the configuration - are you trying to open the my documents folder within the session or on the client? Is the folder redirected to a server or elsewhere?

Or are you trying to open the my documents folder through client drive redirection?

Is this going through a CSG? If not, what firewalls are in the way?

i am opening the 'my documents' on the client. This is how 'my docs' is set-up - group policy re-directs you to a seperate partioned drive on the client which has EFS encryption enabled.

I am trying to open my documents on the client while i have a window open running a citrix application. We launch the apps from a citrix web based menu.
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