city of god

26 Mar 2006
Just watched this film, gotta be one of the best films ive seen in a long time :eek: Storys amazing.

Anyone else seen it, what you think?
Just googled City of Men, a TV Series created by people of City of God?

So I take it's the same sort of thing, but in a tv series?
Yep, there are quite a few seasons listed on IMDB and it seems pretty highly rated. I'm not sure if I'd rate City of God at #17 of my all time list of films as it is on IMDB but it is certainly a great film. :)
I saw it because a mate wanted to watch it, and the thought of subtitles only made me even more unhappy to watch it.

But oh was I wrong, loved it to be honest, a great storyline, one of my top 10 films I'd say :)
Shvankin said:
*possible spoiler*

haven't seen past the bit where the guy takes over all the drug gangs. (lil'something).

Does it get much better after that? :p


Its definately worth a watch the whole way through.
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