City of Heores/Villians

6 Feb 2006
Does anyone play City of Heores or City of Villians?? Played for a while before WOW and then went to WOW but i got bored.

I used to play an Empath Defender and from what i played i enjoyed but each mission seemed too similar...

Might try getting back into it just wondered if anyone played and had a decent supergroup going?

I used to play up until about a month ago. Was ok but the community is seriously lacking now as a lot of people have all migrated to Warcraft.

Its a good game but just feels quite empty now.
I'm in an active supergroup but i play on the U.S servers.

a lot of people are waiting on issue 7 coming out and will return then. It always happens.
So is the game that empty its not worth playing??

Are the American servers more populated? WOuld have to buy a US copy of the game to play on thier servers?
There are still plenty on the U.S servers, cant comment on the euro ones.

You would need U.S copy of the game or you might be able to try the 14 day City of villians trial thats running the now. I used the trial when i first tried City of Heroes and just kept that. I never needed a new serial or to buy the retail game.
I might have to be trying that trail but my only worry is the time difference....being on when all the us are at school/work.

Shame about the EU servers maybe after issue 7 like you say things might pick up. I'll just have to keep my ears open.
The missions are fairly samy, although there are now kidnap and ambushes in there.

I7 is bringing instanced mayhem missions which look pretty good. Don't know if PvP is your thing, but that's in now too.

Still worth getting into. If you play CoV you'll want to get a character up in levels before I7.

The US servers are definitely busier, but there are still plenty on EU ones. I don't have much problem getting teams, though sometimes I need to do the recruiting.

It's still a great game. Give it another go :)
I played it for about a month (CoV) and to be honest I got pretty bored.

The missions were very samey, solo player was very slow going to progress and all in all I got bored.

The locations in missions were all pretty similar - if you do 10 missions in the beginning then you've pretty much seen all the types of locations there are.

This was ages ago though so they may have updated it a lot since then - I know I won't be going back on it anytime soon.

Having a active group helps a fair bit, i'm sure there must be a few decent ones on the euro servers.
Yeah i remember that the game had some flsws and all the mission layouts were exactly the same but i dont know im just getting some urge to play it again!

I used to really love playing the healer in a group dont know why lol but i dont find it as fun in wow. I like pvping but when i played CoH there was no pvp so i dont know what it is like compared to wow. Is there a lot of ganking?

I see that there a CoV trail in the lastest pcgamer mag might get a hold of it and give it a blast and see what its like.

So what is the better game CoH or CoV?
I'd say CoH is the better game out of the 2 and i've played both since they came out respectively. There are plenty of people who play the game in the EU and the servers aren't as underpopulated as a lot of people like to suggest.

If you like PvP then i'd advise you make a toon on the union server. I just moved to that one a month ago as PvP is more active there. The pvp zones are probably on par in population on both servers but union seems to have a larger interest in base raids and arena battles.

Yep i'm afraid there is ganking present in the pvp zones, but tell me one game that involves pvp that it doesnt happen on :p

With i7 just around the corner i'd say it's worthwhile you giving it another bash.
PC Gamer (UK) currently have a 14-day trial for City of Villains. This does also mean if you have a account with CoHeros (cancelled even) you can use the CoV code to upgrade your account and play CoV and CoH for 14-days for free.

I can play my old CoH character or create a new CoV character :D
Right its decided then im coming back! lol

Going to make a toon on union as soon as i go pick up this months pcgamer. Play CoH for the 14 days and ill see if after i want to keep playing il subscribe.

Will i have to install CoV or just get the key code and use that on the playNC site?
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