civ 4

LabR@t said:
just started playing this looks fun but not got a clue what i'm doing any good guides anywhere?

the manual is a good place to start. The game also has a built in tutorial facility. Best way imo is to just play it though. You might lose a couple of times but you'll get the hang of it quicker.
Civ 4 is one of the best games... In my opinion... I have played a lot of the new games and they are all mainly boring after the first hour. The only game that i have really enjoyed this year is Oblivion, which took the honour of stopping me playing San Andreas and Black and White.

Ahhh, but I still hark back to the days of GTA and Populous.

Game of multiplayer buggy boy anyone??

Be warned though, once you get into Civ4 your going to be in for some very late nights... Its always just one more turn, just the one, just one... oh, go one, one more...
Gandalf501 said:
Be warned though, once you get into Civ4 your going to be in for some very late nights... Its always just one more turn, just the one, just one... oh, go one, one more...

Then you realise that its the middle of the night and you have to be at work in a few hours :D
Civ 4, great game, Ive not played it for a while but it is a very nice game.

I have gone in search of a more detailed game and found Supreme Ruler 2010, that is the only reason Im not playing it.

Best way to start is really just do the tutorial, read the manual and head over to the Civ Fanatics Forums @ and do a search or post a thread.

One thing I love about civ is when a massive world war breaks out, for instance on my last game it was me and 4 other civs on this continent, two of them I killed around the gunpower time (I took advantage of the fact I was ahead in the tech race) and that left me with most of my continent and two other civs that were my friends. So we have found the other civs by now and they both have decent sized continnents each, but the weaker of the two has apparently annoyed my two friends and they both declare war on him, the other new civ declares war on my mates so theres all of a sudden massive wars going on with me just sitting and watching.

I take my time to build up a fleet (something with I usualy neglect to do), it was 3 battleships, 5 destroyers, 2 carriers(filled with fighers), 3 subs and 5 transports, I load all the transports with infantry and tanks and send them onto the bigger civs continnent.

Crazy war, I came out on top, my two friends were crippled and signed a peace treaty but I managed to wipe off the other civ and ended up with two continents :).

Man I love Civ 4.
CIV 4 really is a great game.
I think people have more or less said why - just be prepared for some late nights.
I played a lot of CIV 3 and really enjoyed it, I picked up CIV 4 at a bargain price and until about two months ago hadn't actually got around to even opening it - oh what I'd been missing.

Nothing more enjoyable than marching on Paris during the early hours of the morning after a long campaign against the French :)
Did anyone else buy Warlords? I did and it adds a few things to the game, which are quite nice. It's quite fun conquering the whole world, only to leave every Civ with 1 city and make them your Vassals. From what I have been reading the Civs are supposed to be more agressive but I am actually finding it easier than vanilla Civ4 on noble.
I picked Civ4 up cheap yesterday too, not played Civ since the original game. Took a few turns but it's beginning to come back to me although I think I'll skim through the manual too.
Biohazard said:
are you allowed to post other forums? Tbh I don't care, go have a look here
Yeah, I look around there often. I found the walk-throughs really helped my style of play and discussion of the different economies you can implement and city specialisation is fascinating.
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