CivCity Rome?

14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
The early reviews are very mixed so far. 81% from PC Zone and 65% from PC Gamer, I believe? I've also seen a 4/5 and another 65% as well.

I was really looking forward to this game a lot, but it's getting a lukewarm response thus far. Can anybody fill me in on what Zone/Gamer didn't like about it?
I've only just found out about this game and was disappointed with opinions as this is exactly my sort of game. Maybe Caesar IV can offer something more.
I was thinking about gettin this, I also want to know what children of the nile is like, anyone played this??

I wouldnt mind reading a decent fair and in depth review on this game, like the Civilization games, infact I just got back from destroying an enemy civ in civIV.

Caesar IV should be good also.
Nieldo said:
I wouldnt mind reading a decent fair and in depth review on this game, like the Civilization games, infact I just got back from destroying an enemy civ in civIV.

Caesar IV should be good also.

I also play the Civ IV as well! :) class game ;)

Wanna game sometime? me and you and throw in some AI. anyway if you do add me on xfire, wouldnt mind using TS as well.

Xfire: Nieldo
yer definately mate :) should be fun, its been ages since I have played multi :) I will have to install it on my Conroe system :)

Well I got the CivCity today (it's out a few days earlier here) and so far so good! It's strangely "old-skool" in its presentation, but very easy to pick up and play. Everything is very intuitive and simple - no nonsense. There are a few niggles, but I've only been playing a couple of hours and it might be stuff I'm missing :)

It's certainly not going down as a classic, but I think if you keep your expectations in check and just want a simple and fun city builder it's just the ticket.
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