Civilization IV or V?

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I've never played any of the Civilization games before but I fancy having a go. I see that IV is on Steam for £12.99 but it's a few years old and I hear that V is due sometime Q4 this year.

Is it worth grabbing IV or should I wait for V?
I have no intention of booting to Windows to play a game, although I have a bootcamp partition (actually it's a whole hard drive), I don't think I've needed to use it for about six months!

I'll probably wait for V to arrive and pick it up through Steam, it seems the best way to do it. As Nick says, my 8 core Mac Pro/8800GT should be plenty good enough to play it.
I had to tweak an ini file to make it work, haven't had to do that since pre-mac days! It was just hanging on the first video so I had to disable it.

I'm slowly working my way through the tutorials, it seems terribly complicated.
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