27 Dec 2004
I'd never heard of these guys, but at the mo they are my fave band. I love the effects/guitars, lyrics. Great band.

Anyone else into them? My fave song is Triple manic state.
96 Quite Bitter Beings from THPS3 is about the only one of their songs that I have heard much of and I liked it, from what I've heard of the rest though I wasn't missing out hugely.
Been into them for a while. Saw them back in 2001/02ish. Got into them through CKY, was the first proper mosh pit I had been in; got smacked straight in the nose and was bleeding everywhere haha. Haven't listened to them much lately though, as I'm not a major fan of their new album, and it's not the sort of music I'm listening to at the moment.
Yeah theyre not bad, mostly familiar with their stuff from the CKY Jackass videos. Check out Disengage The Simulator and Testing (awesome instrumental) if you havn't already heard them, not sure what album they're off tho.
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