claiming canon cashback

23 Jun 2005
im just filling in the rebate forms for my 100-400 and 17-40. eventually found the serial number under the rear lens cap with sdk's help (cheers mate)

what i need to know now is which one of the 3 bar codes on the box is the correct one to send off.

i have a lens number barcode, ean/jan barcode and a upc barcode.

can anyone who has claimed rebates on canon lenses or knows which one is which please enlighten me so that i dont send the wrong one off


Do you have any more details or a link ref the cashback? I recently bought a 70-200F4L and hasn't realised there was any cashback available.
Yeah no money back on the 70-200 F4 L atm :(

I'm about to send my invoices off for 1.4x TC and 17-40L.
I would also like to know which barcode to send off!
Any follow up on which barcode to send in? Got to do mine, but don't want to cut all 3 out really.

The picutre off the barcode on the website doesn't look like any on the box :(

The 3 I have are:
Lens No.
EAN/JAN code
UPC code

I'm guessing it's the top one I have to cut out..
As far as I can tell it's the top one, this is the one I sent off. The top one is the serial number of the lens and that must be the one they are interested in.
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