Claiming car tax back

21 Oct 2002
My coupe has 3 months tax remaining, How can I claim this back?

I think I just have to go to post office and fill in a form, I've not bothered sending off the V5 yet though and it's still in old owners name :rolleyes:
You just need a simple form from the post office, very very easy and it has a check box which will declare the vehicle SORN at the same time :)
Jez said:
You just need a simple form from the post office, very very easy and it has a check box which will declare the vehicle SORN at the same time :)

Do I have to prove I'm the keeper? Will the cheque get posted to the old keeper?
It doesnt have any information about the keeper, so it must go the registered owner.

I guess its not much use then :(
Jez said:
It doesnt have any information about the keeper, so it must go the registered owner.

I guess its not much use then :(

I'll have to send the V5 off quick i guess, ooops

Cheers anyway :)
Its a while since I've done one, but I'm sure you just fill your details in on the PO form and the cheque arrives at the address you give on the form. Dealers do this all the time on p/x cars where they aren't and don't want to be the registered keeper.
You're looking for form V14.

write on the Registration of the car, your name and address, sign and date it twice, and tick the 'S' box.

stick on the tax disc, jobs a good'un.

Just done it myself. You can download the form off the DVLA website if you don't have a chance to go to the post office

You get a refund for all full months remaining, that is if you send if off on the 5th March, for example, you won't get the tax for March back

Very easy to do and they send it to the address on the form. They say to allow a few weeks but they were quite quick for mine (only a week)
ajgoodfellow said:
Very easy to do and they send it to the address on the form. They say to allow a few weeks but they were quite quick for mine (only a week)

Still waiting for the 1 month refund on mine, handed the form in at the end of October at the Wimbledon DVLA office. Need to chase this up.
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