Class D desktop amp for PC use - SMSL, Sabaj or Nobsound?

13 Jun 2016
Not sure if this belongs here or in the home hi-fi section, sure a helpful mod will move it if necessary!

My Creative desktop speakers (T40 series II) have started developing an awful lot of background noise so I am looking to replace them. The setup is going to be used with my PC, have separate hifi downstairs so really don't want to buy another full amp and speakers, nor do I want to buy some actively powered speakers.

I've narrowed the choice of class D amps down to three, would appreciate opinions as to which would be better. I'll then buy some passive speakers on the high street, whenever the high street eventually reopens!
  • SMSL SA-50
  • Sabaj A3
  • Nobsound NS-21G
I don't want to direct link to them as it would be a competitor link, even though OCUK don't sell these amps.

In terms of a reference point, my headphones are Audio Technica ATH-M40X headphones and I have them connected to a FiiO E10K headphone amp and DAC. I like the sort of sound coming from that setup.

In terms of downstairs hifi, I've got an old Marantz PM440 amp and Mission M70 speakers. I like the sound from this setup as well.

Ultimately I'd be looking for a similar setup on the computer to these two, or somewhere around them, in between. At the moment I am erring more towards the SMSL amp.

Cheers :)
Did you order a SA50 in the end OP?
Hi, no I didn't. I went for an amp made by Douk in the end, having just read some reviews of the SA50 that suggested quite a few failed after a few months. I have yet to get some suitable speakers, still looking at what to get. Ideally I'd take the amp into Richer Sounds and have a demo with a few speakers, but clearly can't do that at the moment!
Thanks! I'm debating new desk speakers at the moment and have disappeared into the rabbit hole of an amp + passive speakers (having started on active speakers). The main source for the Chinese made amps appears to be Amazon, so stock and delivery is an immediate issue for some of the models.
Ah. After a bit of thought I ordered some Roth Audio OLI RA1s, don't have a massive amount of desk space for speakers. Hopefully the combo of those and the Douk Audio G3 Pro sound OK ;)
Here we are. Definitely less bass-y than the previous Creative T40 series II speakers that I had, but also sounds a lot cleaner. Very comparable sound to my Audio Technica ATH-M40X headphones with the FiiO E10K DAC, so pleased with that!

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