Clean up tool set?

28 Jul 2003
South Wales
I'm looking to get a half decent set of craft knives/tools to finish off prints. I appreciate that if your printer is dialled in and printing perfect, they shoudn't be needed, but i only have a cheap printer and some prints come off needing a little tidying.

Can anyone recommend a craft knife/tool set?

I've not printed a huge amount although have printed a number of Christmas snow-flake decorations and all I found necessary is some sandpaper, a stanley knife blade, and a needle file set.

Probably no need to overthink it (or overpay), it's just plastic at the end of the day.

(edit because something doesn't like the word sn0wflake)
cheers for the responses. I don't want to over complicate, i've been using some fine files i had which are fine. But, i wanted a little craft knife to finish off some of the bumps which sometimes appear. Seems to be a minefield with massive set available but can be cheap and dangerous.
I bought a set of cheap flush cutters for supports and overhangs which drooped slightly on the first pass. Really help with the more intricate prints where a blade or sandpaper can't get in.

They compliment this blade set really well.

I would personally buy the parts individually, sets can normally carry pointless tools which will probably be binned.
My tools:
- flat cutters/wire cutter
- needle nose pliers
- small flat screwdriver + hammer - this is great for chiselling between the supports and the surface
- various grades of sandpaper if necessary to sand
- Stanley knife - can be useful to tidy up the part but obviously be super careful for yourself and the part
- cut proof gloves
- glasses for bits that fly off
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