Cleaning $_GET['id']

26 Jun 2003
North West
I get the variable from the url to execute in queries. 'id' **** always be a number so whats the best way to clean it?

will intval do or is there sum sort of regular expressions i can do to redirect the page if the value of id is not a number?

Should this work?

function validateInt($number)
	if (is_numeric($number))
		return intval($number);		
JonD said:
Should this work?

function validateInt($number)
	if (is_numeric($number))
		return intval($number);		

I don't know - I can't read it because of the nonsensical colour scheme :(

But yes it will work, although to be honest I would just use intval() on it's own instead of wrapping it inside a function then testing it inside a conditional statement (that you don't really do anything with) that again checks if it is a number. Wasted cycles tbh; Intval() will clean the input just fine.
elkdanger said:
But yes it will work, although to be honest I would just use intval() on it's own instead of wrapping it inside a function then testing it inside a conditional statement (that you don't really do anything with) that again checks if it is a number. Wasted cycles tbh; Intval() will clean the input just fine.
However, if the input is invalid, it won't pick that up.
but if u use intval and 'id' is sumthing like: '342thisisnotanumber' it will return 342. It would still be nice if I knew this wudnt be accepted.
Inquisitor said:
However, if the input is invalid, it won't pick that up.

Yeah, ignore me; after thinking about it that cleanup function will probably do ok, but I would make more use of the conditional statement he has, just to prevent further problems - just return a zero so that he can check for this and prevent further running of the script if he needs to. Also trim off white space and html tags to be safe.

function validateInt($number) 

    if (is_numeric($number) == true) 
        return intval(strip_tags(trim($number)));     

    return 0;
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JonD said:
but if u use intval and 'id' is sumthing like: '342thisisnotanumber' it will return 342. It would still be nice if I knew this wudnt be accepted.

If you used

$iID = (int) $_GET['id'];

Then that should return zero if it is not an int. So 342thisisnotanumber should return 0;
elkdanger said:
Yeah, ignore me; after thinking about it that cleanup function will probably do ok, but I would make more use of the conditional statement he has, just to prevent further problems - just return a zero so that he can check for this and prevent further running of the script if he needs to. Also trim off white space and html tags to be safe.

function validateInt($number) 

    if (is_numeric($number) == true) 
        return intval(strip_tags(trim($number)));     

    return 0;

If it's a number, you strip tags (totally useless, how can there be HTML tags in a number) and convert it to a number... despite it already being a number :confused:

Try this:

$foo = (int) $_GET['foo'];


$foo = intval($_GET['foo']);
robmiller said:
Try this:

He wanted to validate the input as an integer, not get an integral representation of it. Essentially, I think he wants a something that does the same thing as the is_numeric() function, except that checks if it's an integer or not.

This should do the trick:
function is_int($number)
    return intval($number) == $number;
Not that you really need a function to do that :p
robmiller said:
If it's a number, you strip tags (totally useless, how can there be HTML tags in a number) and convert it to a number... despite it already being a number :confused:

Hmm I'm asleep today. I would normally use that function for everything that comes out of a $GET[], and then test for it being a number if it was indeed a number that I was after, since we all know that what you get out of any user input might not be what you expect.

But yes, if all you want to do is test whether something is purely numeric then your examples would prove to be fine.
elkdanger said:
But yes, if all you want to do is test whether something is purely numeric then your examples would prove to be fine.

No they wouldn't :/

If you want to ensure input is a number, use what I posted. If you want to check whether input is a number or not, use what Inquisitor posted.
if (strval(intval($_GET['id'])) === $_GET['id']) {
  //$_GET['id'] is 100% absolutely, positively, certainly of numeric, and only integral char's.
} else {
 // it's not.

However.. if you follow Defense In Depth practices, you will escape the value regardless of datatype. I really cba to explain, as the last time I did (on a different forum) it ended in a 13 page thread, 5 bans, 6 suspensions and a lot of upset angsty teenage developers, a bit like the "How many forum members does it take to change a lightbulb?" cliché. So if you want to read up of "Defense In Depth", google it noob :p

something like this method from a MySQL database class:

    public function parseQuery ()
        $count = func_num_args();
        $str = func_get_arg(0);

        if ($count > 1) {
            for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
                if ((strval(intval(func_get_arg($i))) === strval(func_get_arg($i)))
                    || (strval(floatval(func_get_arg($i))) === strval(func_get_arg($i)))) {
                    $pat = mysql_real_escape_string(func_get_arg($i), $this->link);
                } else {
                    $pat = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string(func_get_arg($i), $this->link) . "'";
                $str = str_replace(':' . $i, $pat, $str);
        $this->query = $str;

With usage of:
$db->parseQuery('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `col` = :1', 5);
the number is still escaped regardless of it being solely a numerical value.
Seems a little over the top, and not very readable. But I guess that's where the arguement came from? :)

Intresting thread none the less.
this thread turned out to be longer than expected. :eek:

I think rob wins, casting **** work fine.

Thx all
KingAdora said:
Seems a little over the top, and not very readable. But I guess that's where the arguement came from? :)

Intresting thread none the less.
Indeed. The main point of argument was 'optimisation' and superflously escaping data. Which soon turned into a discussion of "What is optimisation?" which was a battle between raw speed and ease of maintenance/portability.
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