Cleaning Copper blocks (water)

30 Dec 2004
Right I've got a water cooling loop I've been leak testing and I've noticed that the inner surface of my CPU block has got a touch of black on it (copper oxide no doubt), is there any easy way of removing this without removing the top and cleaning with wire wool. (soak in citric acid?)
you will need to remove your cpu block and clean it manually, any sort of liquid cleaner used might risk your other plastic/silicone parts of the w/c loop.

try brasso and a toothbrush, then clean with alcohol, they worked good for me :D

A coating of tomato sauce for 10 - 15 mins works well if you can get the block opened up, else try filling up with vinegar.
As per Dave has said, Vinegar is the daddy, that and a tooth brush then some warm running weater...does the job nicely
I was going to try lemon juice; but i suppose vinegar is similar.

Thanks guys, I'm off to get scrubbing later.
Behold - ketchup power !!!


Anyone tried coke? that cleans up copper 1 and 2p coins nicely.... mmm bubbles.... but I don't reccomend drinkin the coke after.....
Coke might be easier - could I drop the whole lot in coke - including the top of the block (which is perspex I think).

(p.s. I thought fizzy drinks had carboxylic acid in them due to the dissolved C02 ?)
*considers replacing the water in system with coke and a little tap in a 5.25" bay with a cd-rom for a cup holder beneath* :D
cant believ no ones suggested the OCUK favourite... MUSTARD

anyway... would vinigar not effect the rubber seals ?
ive got a Dtek white water full of limescale that need a good clean so illl put some hof these to the test !
I didnt have any tomato sauce when i did it, i used brown sauce in stead, worked so well got the blocks pretty much back to new. Did take a lot of washing to get rid of the smell though.
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