Cleaning monitor?

31 May 2005
This is not a "I spunked on my monitor" situation, honest.

Any suggestions for cleaning a monitor using household products?

Looked online at "screen cleaning" solutions and they seem expensive to me.

If they are the best at what they do and the cost is justified, fine, but is there another way?

Water and a clean microfibre cloth is usually more than enough.

Water and a Microfibre cloth.

Or if you are glasses wearer, then glasses wipes work well for any stubborn marks.

IF you have small Children, then baby wipes are another option that work reasonably well
I've always had good results with alcohol gel, you know the hand sanitiser stuff, provided it's not the stuff with moisturisers in.
Water and a clean microfibre cloth is usually more than enough.

Water and a Microfibre cloth.

I've always used water and a soft cloth. No chance of any residue with water. Done this for years.

A good quality microfibre cloth will do the trick. Plus a bit of water, should be all you need.

Thank you.

Was indeed very simple in the end.

Cannot believe how dirty the monitors were :(
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