Cleaning Samsung tv

11 Aug 2012
I recently got a Samsung Q80 but having some trouble keeping the thing clean. Unfortunately my little girl likes to touch the thing when she gets excited. She has non verbal autism so tends to use her hands to get across her feelings. Anyway, my attempts to clean the TV have only led to smears which I assume is due to the anti reflective coating as I've never seen a TV so difficult to clean before. I bought some ecomoist cleaner from Amazon but getting the same result as the generic supermarket cleaner I tried before. Obviously using a clean microfibre cloth also. Any one got any tips?
Wet wipes / W5 Glass Cleaner.

Spray the W5 onto a microfibre cloth and rub.

I use it for all glass surfaces and all the TV's/Monitors/devices in the house. BRilliant stuff.

You probably have wet wipes in the house though? They're handy :D
Wet wipes / W5 Glass Cleaner.

Spray the W5 onto a microfibre cloth and rub.

I use it for all glass surfaces and all the TV's/Monitors/devices in the house. BRilliant stuff.

You probably have wet wipes in the house though? They're handy :D
I've got wet wipes but every thing I've read has said not to use them as they contain alcohol and it will destroy the anti reflective coating of the TV.
Wet wipes don't contain alcohol....
I'm just going off the likes of avforums etc and YouTube videos where they say not to use wet wipes due to alcohol or other chemicals. They might be ok but as said, it seems any type of moisture on the TV leaves a massive streak.
yes - you need a minute amount of sensitive detergent, first, on hot/damp lint free cloth, rinse/wipe off with clean section of cloth .. pat dry w/tissues
Use car shampoo w/o anti-smear add-ins; would never use alcohol (windolene has ipa too no ?) applied on damp lint free cotton cloth,
then dry off with good quality tissues w/o clay. - baby shampoo would be good too.
I use a spectacle cleaning cloth, bit of breath on screen and marks come off fine. Whatever you do try to avoid any wet wipes, etc as the anti-reflective coating hates any substance on it.
We've wiped a couple of fingerprint smudges off our new Q85R with a slightly moist microfibre. Did take a bit of wiping. Wipe moist and then wipe dry.
Are you making sure the TV has been off for a while before doing it? I've found if the TV is warm then i'll get smears.

Personally I use screenmom & a microfibre cloth.
Yeah had tried it first thing in the morning. Getting better results now. I find it tends to still look a bit smeary then it looks ok after leaving alone for a bit. Still a lot more difficult a job than any TV or monitor I've ever had the pleasure of cleaning.
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