Cleaning up phone cam picture with PS? (boobies)

20 Oct 2002
lol. I've just got back from LA and i have a few pics on my phone (k700i) that i might like to print or at least clean up a bit. I'm fairly happy with PS so i was gonna have a mess about and see what i can do, but i was wondering if anyone had any advice for things to try. I can post a pic here if no ones interested in just giving me pointers heh. (It's of a group of us in Hooters ;))

You'll at least need to use a noise reduction program (Noise Ninja for example). The k700i has an awful camera! heh (i have one, and have only used it a few times :( ).
I suspect the material might not be suitable for the forum. ;)

I also suspect that's why everyone wants to see it first. :)
Hehe ok guys. The content is suitable for the forum, i just wanted to know how you would go about doing this before i let you just go wild. :)

Heres the pic: clicky

Actually i told a lie - this one was taken on my friends w800i not my k700i. We got the photo taken on my k700 as well but i just assumed his would be better quality so i got his pic. Am i right?

Tip #1 for those new to Hooters: Take a proper camera :p
Tip #2 for those new to Hooters: Don't stand in front of the girls when taking a group photo! lol :(

Thanks for any attempts. Ideally i'd like it to be printable to fit in a picture frame i bought but i'm not sure if it'd be quite possible :)
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Have you not got the full resolution shot?? The W800i has a 2 Mega Pixel camera but the photo you posted it only 640x480.

You won't be able to get the 640X480 to look any good printed and framed, but the origional 2Mpixel photo you might :)
Gregeff said:
Have you not got the full resolution shot?? The W800i has a 2 Mega Pixel camera but the photo you posted it only 640x480.

You won't be able to get the 640X480 to look any good printed and framed, but the origional 2Mpixel photo you might :)

Now this is what confused me. That is the original version he took, so i guess he only has it on the lowest setting or something daft :(
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