cleaning up windows after a fresh install

5 Jun 2005
Hi Chaps,

i am doing a clean install tomorrow for windows 10 with the latest build. any nice scripts or apps people use to take all the rubbish out and unnecessary services ?
ok thanks for the info, i just wondered if a program existed that had nice tick boxes to remove certain non essential services, apps and such.
If looking to save space first thing I do is
powercfg.exe - h off
From admin cmd
I never use hibernate anyway and sleep still works saves lot of space if you have a lot of ram
ok thanks for the info, I just wondered if a program existed that had nice tick boxes to remove certain non essential services, apps and such.

As I said. Your non essential services and apps won't be the same as someone else's.

Here are some scripts that removes things but you need to edit them otherwise it might remove something you want.

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And for the op
Sorry should have explained that command deletes the hyberfil.sys file
Used for hibernation
If you have a lot of ram hyberfil.sys is a pretty large file
Deleting it stops being able to hibernate but sleep still works fine
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